From: Dan and Ine Viles <>
Dat.: 4/19/98 4:l8pm
Subject: Regarding Micro StationRadio Broadcasiing Service Petition Room #9208 ..due date 4/28/98

Dear Chairman, This is my first email to the govt and also an attachment.  I am also useing the mail in case this doesn't work. Your interest in getting more minorities and new entrants into radio is a great idea.While big radio groups deliver big audiences and profits ..they do not expand the diveristy and many voices in our republic. Without messing up our present system we can accomodate both goals. Maintain good clean frequencies for our established broadcasters while useing our sophisticated computers and technology to squeeze in more smaller stations to make the entrant and number of voices more multitudinous. The more voices ..the more democratic we are and able to preserve free speech ,both political and economic. I am starting to ramble. My filing is attached. Can your staff e mail me that it gets to room 9208 and is part of the comments.

Thanks for your time.

Dan Viles
Vision 3 Broadcasting, Inc
(802) 258-22OO