From: "Eliot A. Keller" <>
Date: 4/26/98 4:28pm
Subject: Comments

April 26, 1998
TO: Federal Communications Commission


RM-9208 and RM-9242

Regarding the current consideration of proposals relating to pirate radio stations and a new microbroadcasting service, I urge you to NOT establish a new service.

I work at radio stations in the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, area, and we provide extensive support of community activities through our public service announcements, news coverage and general community coverage.

Our company provides direct financial support to various community organizations and projects. Our employees provide direct financial support to various community organizations and projects. Anything which puts at risk the financial health of our company and of its employees could disrupt such support.

I believe we need to look back in history at the earliest days of radio when we were awash in a sea of unlimited signals which prompted the foundation of the current regulation.

We need continued support of the community by local broadcasters and I believe it will continue. However, a cornucopia of low-power signals does not in any way guarantee such support, only a wider number of voices. More shouting doesn't necessarily add more substance.

We also need to look at what happened under Docket 80-90 when the goals were not achieved.

Again, I urge you to oppose any legitimization of pirate or microbroadcasting at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments in this matter.

Eliot A. Keller
Eliot A. Keller
1244 Devon Drive Northeast
Iowa City, Iowa 52240-9628