Hemmer Broadcasting Co.
2115 John F. Kennedy Road
Dubuque, IA 52002
Phone: 317-556-7625
FAX: 319-556-3994
Email -

April 25, 1998

Magalie Roman Salas
1919 M Street, NW
Room 222
Washington, DC  20554

Re: FCC File Nos. RM -9208 & RM-9242

Dear Ms. Sala & Commissioners:

I am writing with strong objection to plans that would allow low power FM stations to operate virtually unrestricted.  I believe this has the potential of causing an unprecedented amount of interference with licensed full-time broadcasters who presently serve their communities in exceptional manner.

KGRR broadcasts editorial opinion, takes stands on local, national & state issues, donates over 12,000 minutes of free airtime to public sercice groups each year and has actively involved itself in the sponsorship and presentation of dozens of community events, including school concerts with famous name guest clinicians, orignal musical comedies, jazz & blues festivals, scholastic achievement awards, etc.  KGRR and all Dubuque market stations have traditionally worked with civic, governmental and cultural groups for the better of our community.

The last thing this, or any other market, needs is a group of low power radio stations run by amateurs who have no technical understanding of the industry, or dedication to their community. The age of "amateur and experimental radio stations" belongs to the earliest days of this century. For the government to begin licensing such staions will be the beginning of the end of responsible broadcasting and create technical interference beyond anyone's imagination.

It is obvious that the FCC hasn't the time or staff to adequately inspect or supervise the 12,000+ legitimately licensed stations now on the air. There is little hope that any form of responsible regulation is possible if hundreds, or thousands of low power FM stations are suddenly allowed to pollute the airwaves.


Paul Hemmer
President/General Manager