Goto Section: 22.150 | 22.169 | Table of Contents

FCC 22.165
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
§ 22.165   Additional transmitters for existing systems.

   A licensee may operate additional transmitters at additional locations on
   the same channel or channel block as its existing system without obtaining
   prior Commission approval provided:

   (a) International coordination. The locations and/or technical parameters of
   the additional transmitters are such that individual coordination of the
   channel  assignment(s) with a foreign administration, under applicable
   international agreements and rules in this part, is not required.

   (b) Antenna structure registration. Certain antenna structures must be
   registered  with  the  Commission prior to construction or alteration.
   Registration requirements are contained in part 17 of this chapter.

   (c) Environmental. The additional transmitters must not have a significant
   environmental effect as defined by § § 1.1301 through 1.1319 of this chapter.

   (d) Paging and Radiotelephone Service. The provisions in this paragraph
   apply for stations in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service.

   (1)  The interfering contours of the additional transmitter(s) must be
   totally encompassed by the composite interfering contour of the existing
   station (or stations under common control of the applicant) on the same
   channel, except that this limitation does not apply to nationwide network
   paging stations or in-building radiation systems.

   (2) [Reserved]

   (3) The additional transmitters must not operate on control channels in the
   72-76 MHz, 470-512 MHz, 928 MHz, 932 MHz, 941 MHz or 959 MHz frequency

   (e) Cellular Radiotelephone Service. The service area boundaries (SABs) of
   the  additional transmitters, as calculated by the method set forth in
   § 22.911(a), must not cause an expansion of the Cellular Geographic Service
   Area (CGSA), and must not extend outside the CGSA boundary into Unserved
   Area unless such extension is less than 130 contiguous square kilometers (50
   contiguous square miles). The licensee must seek prior approval (using FCC
   Form 601) regarding any transmitters to be added under this section that
   would cause an expansion of the CGSA, or an SAB extension of 130 contiguous
   square kilometers (50 contiguous square miles) or more, into Unserved Area.
   See § § 22.912, 22.953.

   (f) Air-ground Radiotelephone Service. Ground stations may be added to
   Commercial Aviation air-ground systems at previously established ground
   station locations, pursuant to § 22.859, subject to compliance with the
   applicable technical rules. This section does not apply to General Aviation
   air-ground stations.

   (g)  Rural  Radiotelephone  Service. A “service area” and “interfering
   contours” must be determined using the same method as for stations in the
   Paging and Radiotelephone Service. The service area and interfering contours
   so determined for the additional transmitter(s) must be totally encompassed
   by the similarly determined composite service area contour and predicted
   interfering contour, respectively, of the existing station on the same
   channel. This section does not apply to Basic Exchange Telecommunications
   Radio Systems.

   (h) Offshore Radiotelephone Service. This section does not apply to stations
   in the Offshore Radiotelephone Service.

   (i)  Provision  of  information upon request. Upon request by the FCC,
   licensees must supply administrative or technical information concerning the
   additional transmitters. At the time transmitters are added pursuant to this
   section,  licensees  must make a record of the pertinent technical and
   administrative information so that such information is readily available.
   See § 22.303.

   [ 59 FR 59507 , Nov. 17, 1994;  59 FR 64856 , Dec. 16, 1994; as amended at  62 FR 11629 , Mar. 12, 1997;  63 FR 68944 , Dec. 14, 1998;  64 FR 53240 , Oct. 1, 1999;
    67 FR 77190 , Dec. 17, 2002;  78 FR 25174 , Apr. 29, 2013;  79 FR 72151 , Dec. 5,

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Goto Section: 22.150 | 22.169

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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